Thursday, February 8, 2007

Upcoming Day Of Love

      The 14th of February is a special holiday. It is known as St.Valentine’s day – the day of those who are in love. This is one of a few «oversea holidays» that became popular in Russia, and from year to year it is becoming more and more mass in its character. St.Valentine’s day can be considered as a mutual holiday – both for men and women. This is a holiday for everybody, no matter how old are you, you can celebrate it all your life, because love has no limits!
      Every year this holiday is celebrated in Kazan. People give each other presents and Valentine’s Day cards. There are usually special programs in Kazan’s night clubs and cafes and Civil Registry Offices are ready to welcome citizens who wish to make a family. Sometimes some actions and conferences are held this day. For example, last year the action «Let’s protect love!» was held within the frame of the project «Globus» (global cooperation of efforts against AIDS). This action was educational in its character – young people were given information sheets, means of contraception, take part in different contests and quizzes.
      So, let us wait what would happen interesting in Kazan at St. Valentine’s Day 2007…

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