A presentation of the fancy foto-exibition took place at the Kazan National Cultural Centre yesterday. The exhibition was dedicated to the
200th anniversary of the Kazan Zoo (it was founded in 1806 by the Professor Karl Fuchs). Our zoo always takes a shine to its guests both children and adults. At present time 145 species of animals live there, 27 species of that are put down to the Red Book.
By the way here you can see the living symbol of Tatarstan – the snow leopard called Silva. Silva is 2.5 year’s female and now the managers are searching for a
“fiancé” to her. At the exhibition it was declared for transforming our zoo to some kind of European cultural centre. There is something in it!

Collection of the Zoo:Mammals - 45 spp., 134 specimens;
Birds - 52 spp., 206 specimens;
Reptiles - 13 spp., 38 specimens;
Amphibians - 3 spp., 17 specimens;
Fishes - 36 spp., 279 specimens;
Invertebrates - 2 spp., 8 specimens.
Total: 151 spp., 682 specimens.
Plants - 700 spp., 1800 specimens
Kazan Zoo Address:
420059 Tatarstan, Kazan, st. Khadi-Taktash, 112.
Tel.: (8432) 37-50-32, 37-27-04
Fax: (8432) 37-50-32