Thursday, February 22, 2007

A photo of the smell

This weekend you have an opportunity to become the evidence of the unique event. So-called “FOTOCROSS” will take place in Kazan. What’s the score of this competition?

The teams of volunteers-photographers should go after different tasks: take pictures of “something”, for example, the pictures of a thing, a process, situation, some feeling or association,... How we can photograph “the aroma of love”, “the black claws” (???), “the living whale” (and it is in the street of Kazan??), “reflection in creation” and others? The teams may use any kind of transport to move across the city being competing. The participants that cut the mustard will be rewarded with good prizes.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

St.Valentine’s day celebration in Kazan

      St. Valentine’s day 2007 has been a really bright event in the life of Kazan. It was nice to see that citizens of Kazan didn’t forget about this holiday and congratulated each other on it with some special gifts, flowers and cards. Cafes of Kazan were full people this day, even it was quite difficult to find a vacant table there.
      Kazan city administration and Centre on work with students’ clubs held all-city event «I Love…». From the 2nd till the 14th of February people had a chance to make a declaration of love in a form of dance or song. The most prominent and unique declarations were shown on the concert at Basket-Hall right on St. Valentine’s day. Besides these declarations there was a performance of popular musical bands «Fabrika» and «The Brothers Grimm» who congratulated the audience on St. Valentine’s day and sparked a real furor.
      The exhibition centre «Hermitage-Kazan» also prepared surprises for those who are in love. The special action «Break the monotony for the name of love!» was held within the walls of the museum, where all visitors were given unusual Valentine’s Day cards from the Hermitage. Around 3 p.m. there was the theatrical performance of the band «Magic lamp». The most interesting part of the day began at 6 p.m. when all guests had a chance to taste a wine with the symbolic name «Love drink» while looking at the exhibition «The half of the Kingdom for horse». Only at this day guests of the event had a wonderful opportunity to take a video and a photo against the background of the horsecloth dated 1855 for free.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Kazan Zoo in photos

A presentation of the fancy foto-exibition took place at the Kazan National Cultural Centre yesterday. The exhibition was dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Kazan Zoo (it was founded in 1806 by the Professor Karl Fuchs). Our zoo always takes a shine to its guests both children and adults. At present time 145 species of animals live there, 27 species of that are put down to the Red Book.

By the way here you can see the living symbol of Tatarstan – the snow leopard called Silva. Silva is 2.5 year’s female and now the managers are searching for a “fiancé” to her. At the exhibition it was declared for transforming our zoo to some kind of European cultural centre. There is something in it!

Collection of the Zoo:

Mammals - 45 spp., 134 specimens;
Birds - 52 spp., 206 specimens;
Reptiles - 13 spp., 38 specimens;
Amphibians - 3 spp., 17 specimens;
Fishes - 36 spp., 279 specimens;
Invertebrates - 2 spp., 8 specimens.
Total: 151 spp., 682 specimens.
Plants - 700 spp., 1800 specimens

Kazan Zoo Address:
420059 Tatarstan, Kazan, st. Khadi-Taktash, 112.
Tel.: (8432) 37-50-32, 37-27-04
Fax: (8432) 37-50-32

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Upcoming Day Of Love

      The 14th of February is a special holiday. It is known as St.Valentine’s day – the day of those who are in love. This is one of a few «oversea holidays» that became popular in Russia, and from year to year it is becoming more and more mass in its character. St.Valentine’s day can be considered as a mutual holiday – both for men and women. This is a holiday for everybody, no matter how old are you, you can celebrate it all your life, because love has no limits!
      Every year this holiday is celebrated in Kazan. People give each other presents and Valentine’s Day cards. There are usually special programs in Kazan’s night clubs and cafes and Civil Registry Offices are ready to welcome citizens who wish to make a family. Sometimes some actions and conferences are held this day. For example, last year the action «Let’s protect love!» was held within the frame of the project «Globus» (global cooperation of efforts against AIDS). This action was educational in its character – young people were given information sheets, means of contraception, take part in different contests and quizzes.
      So, let us wait what would happen interesting in Kazan at St. Valentine’s Day 2007…

Monday, January 29, 2007

Kazan’s young generation is anxious about ecological situation in the world

      As everybody knows, ecological situation in the world is one of the most important problems of our modern society. Global warming, air and water pollution, deforestation are only few ecological problems that people face every day. Most people still don’t understand that without their active participation life won’t be better and ecological problems can’t be solved themselves. It’s impossible to control everywhere ecological recommendations observance without people’s active participation in it.
      We need to understand the necessity of teaching people from their childhood to protect the world around them. First of all, we have to realize an ecological reality. It can be done though different educational programs and conferences. It is very pleasant to know that Kazan is not indifferent to ecological problems. In particular, on January 26, 2007 the VII city ecological conference of pupils “Ziliant” was opened at Cultural-Sport Centre «UNIX». Each pupil of Kazan and other regions of Tatarstan could take part in it. The main purpose of the conference was to unite children in solving of ecological problems and to form their ecological worldview. Within the framework of the conference contest of agitation and express-exhibition were held. Pupils defended their research works, made reports on environmental activities, and presented their poems, essays and newspapers. The main topic of the conference was – «Vanessa, Lumbricus & Co” - devoted to the wonderful world of invertebrata and microcosm. The best works of the participants will be sent to Moscow to take part in contests of All-Russia Ecological Movement «Green Planet».
      All in all, it was a perfect chance for children to become more educated in the field of ecological situation in the world, which is very important thing nowadays.


Wednesday, January 10, 2007

New Year for Kazan’s children

      What has been done interesting for Kazan’s children during the period of New Year holidays? First of all, it is of course the Celebration of New Year organized by the President of Tatarstan, Mintimer Shaimiev. This event was held in the cultural center «Unix» were children from Kazan and 41 more regions of Tatarstan watched a colorful performance and fireworks and were given New Year presents.
      New Year party was also organized in the City rehabilitation Centre for disabled children and teenagers. The celebration program included the play “Love for three oranges” in English. Young actors had a wonderful chance to reveal their talents and unengaged potential. The organizers of the event are confident that stage is a perfect resource of recovery - when the audience applauds to young actors, they just forget about their ailments.
      Besides that, city exhibition of children’s creativity “New Year Carnival” was opened at National Museum of Tatarstan on December, 29. Visitors of the exhibition had a chance to see applied art works of children aged 7-17, who study at institutions of extracurricular education and art schools.
      Hope, Kazan’s children will keep in their mind the celebration of New Year 2007 for a long time!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

New Year’s Trees in Kazan

    This year there will be 101 New Year’s trees in Kazan. Last year only 74 well-decorated beauty-trees delighted the eye of Kazan’s citizens and guests. That was said by the head of the Kazan’s Administration of culture, Eduard Ivanov. According to his words, the main New Year’s Tree will be fixed at the Fairground. Winter attractions and Loona Park will be offered to the people’s attention within the walls of the Kremlin.        
    Moreover, the question about New Year’s open-air celebrations at the territory of horse-course complex is on the anvil. It is planned to place a New Year’s tree there and organize a horse riding. The biggest number (25) of New Year’s trees will be fixed in Privolzhskiy district of Kazan, the least number (8) – in Aviastroitelniy district.
     Hope, the celebration of New Year 2007 will be full of joy and wonderful surprises!